Tactical Barbell Program Templates (Operator, Zulu, Mass, and More)

This is a collection of templates for the Tactical Barbell program. Included are the operator, zulu, fighter, gladiator, mass, and grey man programs – all in the same spreadsheet.

Tactical Barbell is essential reading for anyone that needs operational strength (e.g. military, law enforcement, fire fighters, and other first responders).

Definitely check out the book on Amazon if you haven’t already – it’ll make your training much more effective (which is the point, right?). If you’re not in a pure tactical (i.e. military, law enforcement special ops) environment and are interested in putting on additional muscle mass (not that the below programs won’t help with that), check out Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol.

Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete

The latest and most popular edition of K. Black's infamous Tactical Barbell series.

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Tactical Barbell programming has many different flavors, all of which are pretty similar. All run in 3 week waves where intensity increases and volume decreases before resetting on week 4 with a slightly higher intensity than on week 1, at which point the volume/intensity tapers over the next 3 weeks and peaks on week 6. Pretty straightforward. Nothing sexy, but it works.

Here’s a quick summary of each Tactical Barbell program: