Career Development Grants

Career Development Grants supports the career progression of women by funding to women preparing to advance or change careers or re-enter the workforce. Primary consideration is given to women pursuing their first advanced degree or credentials in education, health and medicine, science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and social sciences. Grants are available to support full-time or part-time coursework such as a second bachelor’s or first master’s degree, a certification program, or specialized training in these fields.

Award Details

The award ceiling for Career Development Grants for a degree program is $20,000 and for non-degree programs is $8,000. Grant funds are payable to grantees only and are disbursed as follows:

Fields of Study

Career Development Grants are available to pursue degree and non-degree programs in education, health and medicine, STEM and social sciences, except for the following degree programs:

Applicants in terested in pursuing these degree programs are encouraged to consider AAUW’s Selected Professions Fellowships .


Citizenship & Immigration Status

Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

Disqualifying Factors

The following are not eligible for consideration:

Selection Criteria


Application Submission Period September 16, 2024 – November 15, 2024
Grant Award Status Notification April 15, 2025
Tranche #1 of Grant Funds Disbursed Grant Term July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026
Tranche #2 of Grant Funds Disbursed (if applicable)
January 2026
Final Report July 31, 2026

How To Apply

How to Apply

International Scholarship & Tuition Services (ISTS) serves as the application portal for AAUW Career Development Grants. Please follow the steps below to start the application process:

  1. Review the eligibility criteria to ensure you are eligible.
  2. Click the Apply Now button below to access the application and create an ISTS account. If a program key is requested, please use the following program key: AAUW-CDG
  3. Follow the instructions provided in the Applicant Guide.

If you experience technical difficulties, please contact or (866) 795-4892.

Application Requirements

In addition to a narrative application, all applicants are required to submit the following:

Note: AAUW does not accept references from dossier services, such as Parment or Interfolio, and standardized or form-letter recommendations are discouraged.

A certified English translation is required for all materials provided in a foreign language. Translations must bear a mark of certification or official signature that the translation is true and complete.

If the name differs from the one stated in the application, an explanation must be provided, such as a marriage certificate or a court letter of name change.

Applicants are responsible for the submission of all required documents. Incomplete applications will be reviewed and considered at the discretion of AAUW.

Selection Process

Grants are awarded on a competitive basis according to funds available in a given fiscal year.

Review Panels

Applications to the Career Development Grants are reviewed by panels of distinguished scholars and experts in the following disciplines:

Review panels meet once a year to review applications for funding. Panel funding recommendations are subject to final approval by AAUW.

Review Process

Prior to the Career Development Grant Panel Review, AAUW’s Fellowships & Grants Team reviews applications for completeness and ensures compliance with eligibility requirements.

Each application is subsequently read by two panel reviewers. Reviewers assess applications based on the selection criteria described above.


Tax Liability

The determination of whether there is a tax obligation associated with the receipt of an AAUW award is the sole responsibility of the applicant. Specific questions regarding income tax matters should be addressed with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the applicant’s financial aid office or a personal tax adviser. AAUW cannot provide tax advice.

Changes to Applicants’ Institution or Areas of Study

Applicants recommended for an award, but whose discipline or institution of study is different than envisioned at the time of application will be disqualified.

Use of Funds

Career Development Grants may be used for tuition, fees and course-required expenses like books and supplies, as well as housing, food, and other living expenses (including childcare). Awarded funds may not be expended on costs incurred prior to the fellowship term start date or after the fellowship term end date.

Funds received may or may not be taxable depending on how they are used. It is incumbent on grant recipients to determine any tax related obligations. AAUW does not report Career Development Grant to the Internal Revenue Service and cannot provide tax-related forms or advice to recipients. The determination of whether there is a tax obligation associated with the receipt of an AAUW award is the sole responsibility of awardees. Specific questions regarding income tax matters should be addressed to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the applicant’s financial aid office or a personal tax advisor.


Is it possible to be notified of my award status prior to April 15th?

No, AAUW is not able to honor requests for earlier notification.

If I had to decline an AAUW award in the past due to eligibility concerns or personal reasons, am I allowed to reapply?

Yes, if you were awarded an AAUW fellowship or grant but had to decline it without receiving your stipend, you are eligible to reapply.